I’ll meet you in our next life
When we can plan ahead I’ll try to make a memory Of everything we said Our wishes, hopes, and dreams For a life of you and I As we play our favorite songs And slow dance in the sky We’ll have the things we don’t have now, We’ll have it all by then, A quaint old house that you adore We dreamt of way back when All you want and all you dream We’ll fill it with our love We’ll laugh and dance and live the lives That we both once dreamt of
I’ll be your first love
You’ll be my last You’ve got your future My future’s past Just like the light stays ahead of the dark I’ve seen the fire You’ve seen the spark Can’t grab the brass ring, while we beat as one Your ride’s just starting, mine’s almost done I’m overwhelmed enough, to fill the moon But I’m in my Winter you’re in your June |
David S. ChorneyThis is where I'm supposed to write something about myself. I still have some hair left. I am still undecided which I like better, photography or painting. My four major food group are seafood, melted cheese, pasta, and Advil. I love the hunt of a finished piece of art. All quotes, essays, stories, and any other written piece on this website, are original and written by yours truly, unless otherwise noted. |